Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Foto + Parole: Vicenza and Adventures

I know this blog is supposed to be about Adventures Made by us Taylors.  Well, with sickness abound (we both have colds...) and cold weather, we've been taking it easy and staying home or just locally in Vicenza.  Our last travel big adventure was back in November and I am working on a special presention for you of that Amsterdam and Brugge trip.

As a result, I've been writing much more about less adventurous topics like food and shopping.  Personally, I consider them adventures... Making pasta and gnocchi  by hand was certainly a culinary adventure.  It took us into new territory involving rolling pins and tossing flour all over the table.  Rolling and cutting out Christmas cookies, that may or may not have too much salt or not enough baking soda, was a little adventure-like.  We were on a trek to discover how they would taste in the end.  And shopping? Well, it may not be a true "adventure" but here in Italy, it's a Saturday past-time like no other.

I've also been frequenting more and more blogs.  I've picked up that some sites do "Wordless Wednesdays" and post only photos.  I've been providing you a little Italian verison of "Foto Solo" with Christmas Dinner and a few of the last adventure (to tide you over until my presentation is complete...)  Since the majority of our time has been in Vicenza lately, I decided this week to share some from our temporary hometown.  (Technically, I guess I just broke the "Wordless Wednesday" chain, but I wanted to explain my past and future Wednesday posts). 

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